June 21, 2020

Father to the fatherless


Psalms 68:5 ⁣

A few years ago I surrendered him to You. I had nothing left and whispered some painful words born of my stubborn defeated heart. ⁣

I can’t do this alone anymore. I can’t. I won’t. ⁣

The boy needs a father. And Your wake up call that he already has one is something I will never let go.

Be his Father. ⁣

Please. ⁣

Teach him what only You can. ⁣

Give me wisdom and aid while we learn life together. ⁣

Parent him with me. ⁣

I’m begging you. ⁣

Hold his hand. ⁣

Please, God. ⁣

Show him Your truth. ⁣

Grow him to be a man after Your own heart. ⁣

Lord, be his Father. ⁣

I couldn’t give him what our hearts so desperately wanted but I could give him You and in the end, Your grace is always sufficient. You are all he needs and craves. ⁣

Who better to teach him grace and love? ⁣

Who better to show forgiveness and mercy? ⁣

Who better to whisper in the darkest shadows that You are there and You will never leave him or forsake him.⁣

You are a good good Father. ⁣

It’s who you are. ⁣

And he is loved by You.